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Storm coming

Storm coming

ASo that you are not short of interesting additions to our line-up, we will bring you 5 more artists that will appear on our upcoming edition of Gothoom festival. We begin with a band started by legends of Czechoslovak scene Bruno and Pegas. Of course, we speak about HYPNOS which will release a ...


Dark january

Dark january

Slowly approaching the full line-up, one of our last additions to it will make mostly the fans of the dark spectrum of musical genres happy. Black metal part of our festival will be enriched by German IMPERIUM DEKADENZ. Their black metal is full of atmosphere, long, growing layers as well as cat ...


Nový plagát GOTHOOM

Nový plagát GOTHOOM


New areal GOTHOOM

New areal GOTHOOM


Čierne vianoce na GOTHOOMe

Čierne vianoce na GOTHOOMe

Vianočná nádielka pre náš festival je tu. Začneme ju kapelou s legendárnym statusom po ktorú nemusíme chodiť ani nikam ďaleko. Od našich západných susedov pride spolok, ktorých vplyv na svoju tvorbu spomínajú mnohé svetové kapely a ktorý v budúcom roku oslávi 30. výročie svojej existencie. Samoz ...


Dark december !!!

Dark december !!!

We are glad when we can spice the line-up with something less typical and now we have the chance. The project NADER SADEK bears the name of the Egyptian conceptual artist which has gotten into the world of metal thanks to the cooperation with Attila Csihar of Mayhem. Nader's band has included, i ...


Prvé slovenské skupiny na Gothoome

Prvé slovenské skupiny na Gothoome

Tak, je tu konečne čas na niečo domáce, čo poviete. GOTHOOM vždy bol je a bude o podpore lokálnej scény. Začneme pekne zostra, jednou z najobľúbenejších kapiel súčasného slovenského undergroundu, ktorou nemôže byť nikto iný než trio (občas duo) ČAD. Svätojurská partia má za sebou množstvo vynika ...


November storm

November storm

It has been ten years since the time when a beast called DEMONICAL rose from the ashes of mighty Centinex. Now, four albums, three splits and one, most current, EP "Black Flesh Redemption", we'll have the honour to see these gentlemen on our festival. Crushing, relentless, dirty and raw death me ...