Gothoome must not miss doome metal in its slowest form, and that is why the American EVOKEN is coming.
The Canadian death metal machine KATAKLYSM became the headliner of the Gothoom open air fest for 2022. It will be an unreal massacre !!!
We are adding the first groups to Black metal day 21.7.2022
The Gothoom Festival has had a break for the last 2 years for the Covid Pandemic. We believe that everything will be fine next year and we can make 11 years. All tickets purchased for the festival in 2019/2020/2021 will be valid for Gothoom 2022. We bring the first confirmed groups.
Ak neviete čo s 2% z vašich daní . Tak nám ich múžete darovať a tým zlepšiť fungovanie festivalu GOTHOOM. Tu si môžete stiahnut tlačivo na 2_dane_retro_Gothoom.pdf Ďakujeme veľmi pekne !!!
Priatelia neviem ako začať. Všetci bojujeme už druhý rok s dvomi nepriateľmi a to nepriateľom číslo 1. Corona vírusom a s nepriateľom číslo 2. Ľudskou hlúposťou našej vlády !!! Snažil som sa čakať na toto rozhodnutie čo najdlhšie ale viac sa už nedá, pretože aj vy máte právo vedieť na čom spolu ...
For starters, we have a few not so pleasant news. As we already mentioned, some changes to our line-up cannot be avoided. First news is concerning Draconian. They had to cancel their appearance on Gothoom due to the singer Heike, who cannot get to EU because of invalid working permit until 2020. ...